Wednesday, October 19, 2005



Gabri Christa will be performing along side 23 other dancers in:

"FROM THE HORSES"S MOUTH: Magical Tales of Real Dancers"
a work created by Jamie Cunningham and Tina Croll.
The piece celebrates the " heart and history of dance" with dancers and choreographers of all ages and traditions performing together and telling their stories. Each production of "From the Horses's Mouth" is considered a new "chapter" of the piece and is cast to showcase a specific group of performers- no two performances are the same. The Princeton performances will feature Ze'eva Cohen, Rebecca Lazier, Meghan Durham and others. The stories told range from humorous to poignant and reveal personal moments of loss, joy, frustration and triumph.

October 22nd, 2005 8pm
Princeton University
Hagan Dance Studio
185 Nassau Street
Princeton, NJ

This is a free event and will be followed by a discussion and reception. Come on out!